Andy Hakim

Director for College Success and Academic Affairs
Office Phone
Office Hours
Friday: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

Dr. Hakim coordinates the academic side of FSI and SIFP, including developing course offerings and curricula, wrangling faculty and course fellows, leaping over bureaucratic hurdles, making sure trains run on time, providing comic relief, mentoring and providing supplemental advising to students, and keeping Evil Dr. Shaw in check. Andy also liaises with campus partners to make Princeton's arcane curricula more accessible, engages with alumni, and teaches in the Freshman Seminars Program!

Andy was born right-handed, but always wanted to be left-handed. He has lived in Connecticut, California, Louisiana, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, and has taught at USC, NYU, Harvard, and of course, Princeton. He is a diehard New York Yankees fan, lives his life to a soundtrack of Prince albums, movie scores, and 70’s progressive rock. In his free time, he enjoys exploring Middle Earth, The Stillness, Hogsmeade, Earthsea, Bas-Lag, and other real and fictional worlds. He also dabbles in cartography, cinematography, cryptography, and horology. Nightshade is his nemesis, so please don’t feed it to him.